Submission on Land Rights and Involuntary Resettlement in the World Bank Proposed Environmental and Social Framework (只有英文版) - 出版刊物 - 中國與發展中國家 - 倡議工作 - 扶貧工作 - Oxfam Hong Kong
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Submission on Land Rights and Involuntary Resettlement in the World Bank Proposed Environmental and Social Framework (只有英文版)

Inclusive Development International and Oxfam’s joint submission on land rights and involuntary resettlement in the World Bank proposed Environmental and Social Framework contains 18 points that must be addressed in order for the World Bank to adhere to its own public commitments, respect human rights and achieve its twin goals of eliminating extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity. The submission covers: (i) the scope and applicability of ESS5; (ii) appraisal, due diligence, monitoring and evaluation; (iii) avoidance and mitigation measures; and (iv) land and natural resource tenure.
